Monday, May 17, 2010

Homosexuallity in the Bible

     If you don't live under a rock, you would realize that America is having a huge push for homosexual rights. You will probably be confronted about this, and should know how to defend your faith. If you already know how, could for you, pat yourself on the back, but there are millions of Christians claiming to be God loving people, and are part of this huge push. If you think I'm being a little conservative, then tough luck, because I am. If you I were to be classified, I would be one of those "Old timey," Christians, that actually believe in the whole bible. I know. Outrageous. But believe it or not, it is in the Bible, and whether you want to read it, or even believe it,  its still going to be there. If you look in the book of Leviticus, chapter 18, you will find it says several times, that being homosexual is an abomination. There are very very few things in the bible that God associates death with. Being gay is one of them. If you are of those wishy washy Christians, that only wants to believe half of the bible, it says something about you to. It says you can't be a servant of two masters. So, either you believe in the whole Bible, or you don't. If you look further into Leviticus, you will see that the cities of Sodom, and Gomorrah were burned with fire from Heaven to a pile of ash. For those that don't know, the term "Get to know" is a polite way of saying have sex.

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